Upgrading your Linn Product.
In a world of planned obsolescence, we do the opposite. Linn products are designed to be easily and continuously upgraded. So your investment can last a lifetime.
Source first.
The more musical information you retrieve from the source, the better the sound. So one of our founding princples was ‘source first’, meaning that if you’re looking to upgrade your system, start with the source.
LP12 upgrades
The Sondek LP12 is quite simply one of the most customisable and upgradable products in the history of hi-fi.
Every single person who has bought one from 1973 onwards has the ability to fully upgrade their product to the very latest specification.
DSM upgrades
When technology improves, so does your enjoyment. Find out how you can upgrade your product to the latest specification.
Browse DSM upgradesSpeakers and Amps
Linn’s speakers and amps are designed such that the groundbreaking new technologies found in our newest and best products can often be added to their forebearers, extending the lifetime of your system.
Speaker upgrades
Hear the difference our revolutionary Exakt technology can make to your current Linn speakers by turning them into the ultimate intelligent loudspeaker.
If you already own Exakt Integrated Klimax 350 or Akubarik speakers, you can upgrade each channel's DAC to our award-winning, reference Organik DAC, and experience our most natural sound ever.
Power Amp upgrades
Let your music system grow and evolve. Choose your performance level and power, start with two channels then upgrade from there.
Adding extra channels of amplification is a great way of upgrading your system's performance, whether you're simply bi-amping your speakers or using a channel per drive unit for the ultimate upgrade with Exakt.
Browse Power Amp upgrades
Space Optimisation
Using sophisticated acoustic modelling, Space Optimisation builds a complete picture of how your speakers, their placement, and the unique characteristics of your room interact to affect the sound you hear.
By removing the unwanted distorting effects of your listening environment, it reveals the true sound of the music. Now you can place your speakers exactly where you want them and still enjoy great performance.
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Until now, no speaker system has ever been able to synchronise all the elements that make up every note, including all the harmonics. Exakt ensures the perfect time alignment of every part of every note, so now you can enjoy the same sound that was recorded by the artist.
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